
10 Sep 2015

This website has been designed to be as accessible to as wide a range of people as possible. This has involved some additional features designed to aid those with visual or physical disabilities to access the site more easily.

To meet this commitment, this website adheres as closely as possible to both the Web Accessibility Guidelines (published by the World Wide Web Consortium W3C group) and to the UK Government’s guidelines in its Disability Discrimination Act (1995).


sitemap is available for quick page access. The site also includes a site-search facility, at the top of every page


This site has been developed in a manner which allows visually impaired users to navigate and experience its content, without layout restrictions.
Some visitors may find it necessary to increase or decrease the size of the screen text. For advice on changing settings, please visit the BBC’s accessibility pages.

Contact us

If you have any questions or further suggestions about this site’s accessibility, please get in touch, so that we may continue to strive to improve the experience for all visitors.